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Residential generator

Unlock the Top Benefits of Regular Generator Maintenance

Power outages can be a real pain. But having a generator is like having a superhero on standby. It can save your business from losing money and keep your home safe and comfy. Let’s examine some tips on how to keep your generator in top shape so it’s ready to save the day when you need it most.

Spotting Potential Problems Early

Believe it or not, your generator can be a tough little thing. It’s amazing how it can keep chugging along even when something’s off. That’s why regular check-ups are so important. Our trained techs can spot those tiny problems before they turn into big headaches.

Ensuring Proper Function During Power Outages

Expert technicians give your generator a full body checkup. They leave no stone unturned, as they inspect every nook and cranny of your residential or commercial generator. From top to bottom, they’re looking for any signs of trouble. Some of the things they check include:

  • Engine speed – ensures proper functioning
  • Fluid and oil levels – prevents engine damage
  • Filters – Keeps out dust and dirt
  • Belts and hoses – prevents damage and keeps the generator working
  • Cooling systems – prevents overheating
  • Supply controls – prevents issues with power distribution
  • Battery cables and terminals – prevents power failure
  • The exhaust system – prevents the release of potentially dangerous fumes

Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. You can’t see it or smell it, but it can be deadly. A poorly maintained generator can pump out this dangerous gas right into your home. That’s why regular check-ups are so important. Our pros know how to spot potential problems before they turn into a disaster to keep you and your family safe.

Increasing Energy Efficiency

You wouldn’t believe the critters that can find their way into your generator! Birds, mice, and other pesky creatures love to make a home in there, chewing through wires and causing all sorts of trouble. That’s why regular cleanings are so important. We’ll clear out all the gunk and keep your generator running smoothly so that it will be more efficient. When you increase energy efficiency, you can spend less on fuel.

Preventing Generator Fuel Issues

Fuel deteriorates with time. Technicians ensure the fuel inside the generator is fresh and replace it, if necessary, especially if the generator has been idle for an extended period.

Saving You Time

Regular generator maintenance saves you time by preventing emergency issues during power outages. You’ll also avoid the hassle of frequent repairs and searching for alternative power sources.

Saving You Money

Routine maintenance can extend the life of your generator, which will save you money by delaying the need for a replacement. Generators typically last between 10,000 and 30,000 hours, or about 25 to 40 years for standby generators.

If you have not yet scheduled maintenance for your generator, now is the time. Contact Circuit Doctor to learn more about our generator services in Waldorf, MD.

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