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6 Generator Problems That Mean You Need a Replacement

A generator allows you to run your electronics, lights, and appliances, depending on your needs. There isn’t a general time frame for replacing your generator, but there are factors to watch. Here are some warning signs and issues that you might notice as your generator ages.

1. Faltering Appliances

Your appliances and lights should run steadily as long as your generator operates. When your generator is functioning at full capacity and you notice your appliances receiving an unsteady flow of electricity or your lights flickering, you might have an issue. If your electronics are faltering under your generator, it may be time for a replacement.

2. Constant Repairs

Wear and tear will eventually take its toll on your generator, and age can increase the frequency of repairs. Constantly fixing your generator will cost you more in the long run than just replacing it. While a replacement generator is more expensive than repairing the older one, it will save you money on repairs and energy usage over time.

3. Carbon Monoxide Emissions

Carbon monoxide is odorless but can be deadly if you don’t detect the leak before it gathers. A generator reaching the end of its life can start emitting carbon monoxide over time. Most people have a carbon monoxide detector for emergencies, but this is an obvious sign that your generator is failing.

4. Changing Power Requirements

Initially, your generator could handle your electrical needs, but power requirements change. The size of your generator depends on your home’s size and the amount of electricity you use daily. If your generator is too small for your electrical workload, it will wear out quicker and shut off more often.

5. Too Much Fuel Consumption

The fuel consumption of your generator should remain pretty steady throughout its life. Your generator may fail if it’s consuming more fuel without any changes in energy demands. Higher fuel consumption may be due to parts deteriorating as your generator ages.

6. Too Old

Generators don’t necessarily have a general life span, but older appliances are more likely to fail. The generator’s life span depends on how much you use it, not on how many years you’ve owned it. Generators will lose power as they age, which can happen within 10,000 to 30,000 hours of use.

Local Experts for Replacement

Our electricians can offer preventive maintenance to keep your generator running smoothly, but constant repairs will snowball your expenses quickly. Generally, you shouldn’t need a generator repair more than twice a year. It could be time for a replacement generator when repairs exceed this threshold.

A replacement generator can offer an energy boost when your electrical needs change. Newer technology and more efficient parts can improve your output while lowering your energy use. If you need a generator installation in Waldorf, MD, call us at Circuit Doctor to schedule an appointment today.

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