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Residential standby generator

Keep the Power on This Summer With a Well-Maintained Generator

The summer heat can make it hard to stay comfortable, but a generator can be extremely useful. It can provide power when the grid has gone down, allowing you to keep your place cool and safe. The tips below can help ensure that your generator will be ready to make the summer heat manageable.

Make Sure It’s Clean

Dust and debris on your generator can prevent proper airflow. When this happens, a generator will have to work harder to keep up with demands, and it might not be as efficient or effective.

Fortunately, this situation can be prevented. One way is to use a damp cloth to remove anything that may have accumulated on the generator. A soft brush might be necessary if things have caked on. Additionally, an air compressor should do a good job of blowing particulates out of crevices.

Change the Oil

Oil serves an important function, lubricating internal parts and dissipating heat. Old oil that has become thick can lead to engine damage and even a complete failure if components get clogged and seize up. Check your user manual to see the recommended timeline is for oil changes.

Use Fresh Gasoline

Extremely hot temperatures can cause gasoline to degrade. This is why gasoline should be stored in a cool, dark place. If you have gas that’s been sitting in your generator for a few years or more, you might want to have it drained. Running a generator with deteriorated gas can put a strain on certain parts and increase the risk of overheating.

Keep It Cool

Location is important when it comes to generators. Overheating may be more likely if a generator is exposed to direct sunlight in the afternoon. If it’s not possible to place your unit on the shady side of your place, think about putting a shade over it. Just be sure that the shade doesn’t touch the generator as it could block airflow. Plants can also be strategically located to provide shade during the hottest times of the day.

Have It Inspected

From filters and pistons to spark plugs and electrical connections, a lot of parts work together in a generator. A problem could arise with any of these elements, so consider having a professional team take a look inside your unit. They can replace worn-down parts and make sure your system is ready to provide power whenever necessary.

Be Proactive

If you plan ahead, you’ll be ready for the summer’s unpredictable weather and potential power outages. Use fresh oil and gas, clean your generator, keep your unit cool, and have it inspected. To schedule a generator service appointment in Waldorf, MD, call Circuit Doctor.

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