Keep the Power on This Summer With a Well-Maintained Generator

Residential standby generator

The summer heat can make it hard to stay comfortable, but a generator can be extremely useful. It can provide power when the grid has gone down, allowing you to keep your place cool and safe. The tips below can help ensure that your generator will be ready to make the summer heat manageable. Make […]

6 Spring Cleaning Tips to Revitalize Your EV Charging Station

EV charging at home

Having your own at-home EV charging station is a real game-changer. Unlike other EV drivers, you don’t have to wait in long lines for public charging or pay a veritable fortune to power up your battery. However, to keep your equipment functioning as it should, you should take advantage of the six spring cleaning tips […]

Power Your Holidays With a New Electrical Panel

Electrician is using a digital meter to measure the voltage at the circuit breaker control cabinet on the wall.

The holidays are a magical time of year. With all the lights going up, you do not want to risk your power going out. An old electrical panel can really put a damper on the festivities. Here is why you should replace your panel before the holidays arrive. Be Ready for Your Holiday Display Everyone […]

4 Fall Maintenance Tips for Your Generator

Residential standby generator installed on a concrete pad

The fall season is no doubt the best time to maintain your generator because it gives you enough time to prepare for winter. During maintenance, you should inspect the equipment for damage and get rid of all obstructions, as mentioned below. 1. Check for Damage Before you consider other maintenance tips, check if your generator […]

4 Ways You Can Avoid Summer Storm Electrical Surges

The hands of an electrician installing a power switch to the electrical junction box

A power surge is a burst of energy that overwhelms your electrical grid. The surge of energy can cause electrical fires and put you in danger. Electrical surges can damage appliances such as refrigerators or freezers. After a power surge, plugged-in electronics could break, or your outlets could fry without proper electrical surge protection. Electrical […]

5 Electrical Hazards You Should Remove From Your Home

Electrician working safely on switches and sockets of a residential electrical system

The spring season is a great time to give remove any electrical hazards from your home. From flickering lights to outdated wiring, proper maintenance of your home’s electrical system is essential for the safety and efficiency of everyone who lives there. With that in mind, here are five electrical hazards to remove when you’re spring […]

Easy Electrical Improvements for Your Home in the New Year

Comparison snapshot of a big beautiful room in a private house before and after reconstruction, messy room with empty grey walls vs new clean shiny interior

Electrical improvements add convenience and are one way to increase the usefulness of your living space. There are a variety of these that you can easily do around the house. With planning and preparation, you can have electrical improvements that add value and make your home a more user-friendly environment. You will have to decide […]

4 Electrical Tips to Protect Your Home During Winter

Professional electrician installing sockets using a screwdriver: home renovation and maintenance concept

Statistics show that electronics sales are up during December, which coincides with colder weather in many states in the US. The increase in electronic use may increase the chances of fires or injuries. Heating equipment causes over 65,000 house fires, which results in deaths, injuries and property damage. Cooking and portable generator fires are also […]

Maintain Your Electrical System Before Winter Comes

Electrician is using a digital meter to measure the voltage at the circuit breaker control cabinet on the wall.

No homeowner should have to repair an electrical system in the middle of a winter storm. Prevent emergency issues and make the most efficient use of your electricity by preparing your electrical system for the long winter. Use Energy-efficient Lighting You use lighting more often during the winter when there are fewer hours of daylight. […]

4 Electrical Considerations When You’re Remodeling Your House

The hands of an electrician installing a power switch to the electrical junction box

When you’re in the process of remodeling your home, there are a lot of different factors to consider. The electrical wiring in the walls is a crucial part of the remodeling process and should be a top priority to avoid issues or mistakes that can occur. Here are a few of the top electrical considerations […]